
Bakun black out damages Mukah aluminium smelting plant

Bakun black out damages Mukah aluminium smelting plant

Sarawak Energy CEO Sjotveit identifies Bakun Dam as cause of troubles

On June 27, Sarawak's lights went off for several hours. The reason was a complete power outage caused by the 2,400 Megawatt Bakun Dam as Sarawak Energy CEO Torstein Dale Sjotveit quickly explained in an official statement.

Only a couple of days later, the full consequences for Sarawak's SCORE (Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy) initiative became clear: The power outage caused a shutdown of the Mukah aluminium smelting plant of Press Metal. Without constant power, the smelter cools down and becomes inoperative. Operations at the Mukah plant can probably only be resumed after six months of repars. Millions of Ringgit are lost.

This incident proves that Sarawak's dams are a high-risk undertaking. The Bakun Dam is now even jeopardizing the energy-intensive projects it was meant to fuel.

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Large dams can only serve as last resort, acknowledged the Malaysian Ministry of the Environment.




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